◆ FC-OH-50是屬于石油溶劑型清洗金屬零件的清洗液。產(chǎn)品具有良好的清洗性。
FC-OH-50 is a petroleum solvent type of detergent which can clean metal parts. The product has good cleaning ability.
◆ FCOH-100是屬于石油溶劑型用于清洗金屬零件的清洗液。產(chǎn)品具有較高的閃點及短期防銹性。
FCOH-100 is a petroleum solvent type of detergent which can clean metal parts. The product has high flash point and short-term anti-rust.
◆ FC-OH-200是屬于石油溶劑型清洗劑,適用于金屬零部件的清洗。產(chǎn)品具有良好的清洗性,較高的閃點,在使用過程中更安全。
FC-OH-200 is a petroleum solvent type of detergent which can clean metal parts. The product has good cleaning ability and higher flash point which makes it much safer in your operations.
◆ FC-SH-100是屬于石油溶劑型用于清洗金屬零件的清洗液。因其富含芳香族系列的溶劑,所以該產(chǎn)品的清洗性非常強,適用于附著在金屬上的蠟、樹脂、脂膏等難于洗凈的臟垢。
FC-SH-100 is a petroleum solvent type of detergent which can clean metal parts. With rich Aromatic solvent, it has strong ability of cleaning. And this makes it can clean any dirty things on metals like wax, resin and grease.
◆ FC-SJ-150是屬于石油溶劑型用于清洗金屬零件的清洗液。因其富含芳香族系列的溶劑,所以該產(chǎn)品的清洗性非常強,適用于附著在金屬上的蠟、樹脂、脂膏等難于洗凈的臟垢。
FC-SJ-150 is a petroleum solvent type of detergent which can clean metal parts. With rich Aromatic solvent, it has strong ability of cleaning. And this makes it can clean any dirty things on metals like wax, resin and grease.
◆ FC-OH-50S是屬于石油溶劑型清洗金屬零件的清洗液。產(chǎn)品具有良好的清洗性,添加有防銹添加劑,具有短期的防銹性。
FC-OH-50S is a petroleum solvent type of detergent which can clean metal parts. The product has good cleaning ability and short-term anti-rust with additive.
◆ FC-OH-300是屬于石油溶劑型清洗液,用于金屬零部件的清洗。產(chǎn)品具有良好的清洗性,較高的閃點,在使用過程中更安全。
FC-OH-300 is a petroleum solvent type of detergent which can clean metal parts. The product has good cleaning ability and higher flash point which makes it much safer in your operations.
◆ FC-SJ450是屬于石油溶劑型用于清洗金屬零件的清洗液。因其富含芳香族系列的溶劑,所以該產(chǎn)品的清洗性非常強,適用于附著在金屬上的蠟、樹脂、脂膏等難于洗凈的臟垢。
FC-SJ450 is a petroleum solvent type of detergent which can clean metal parts. With rich Aromatic solvent, it has strong ability of cleaning. And this makes it can clean any dirty things on metals like wax, resin and grease.
◆ FC-SJ-250是屬于石油溶劑型用于清洗金屬零件的清洗液。該產(chǎn)品的清洗性非常強,適用于附著在金屬上的蠟、樹脂、脂膏等難于洗凈的臟垢。
FC-SJ-250 s a petroleum solvent type of detergent which can clean metal parts. It has strong ability of cleaning. And this makes it can clean any dirty things on metals like wax, resin and grease.